2025-01-31 - $0.79 Biscuit

Day #0522 – (Fri. Jan. 31, 2025) – $0.79 Biscuit!

Let’s start off “Tariff Eve” with Item #1 on my “ToDo List”: (You can use these symbols: ✅).

“Today’s ‘ToDo’ List” (0/0)


Daily Readings

Daily “FUN” Stuff

  • Clean “Barn Suite” (For 15 Minutes+ Today): <>
  • ✅ Work Through The “Maggie NevilleGoddess” YouTube Channel“: (Today’s video: The Most Important Thing You Can Do To Change Your Life!)
  • ☐ Work On ‘Scripting’ for New Novel ‘N02 – Another Life (Latest)‘ by adding the “30 Day Coin Manifestation Process” into Chapter #2. Go Here: P09 – The “Scripting” Process: <>
  • Set up “Music Studio”! <>
  • Set up “Flight Simulator”! <>
  • Watch “Planet Earth” (HBO)! <>
  • Watch “Manifest” (Netflix)! <>
  • Watch “Northern Exposure” (Amazon Prime)! <>
  • Watch “Port Protection Alaska” (Disney+)! <>
  • Watch “Skeleton Crew (Star Wars)”! (I finished the entire first season, all 8 episodes today, Wednesday, January 22, 2025!)
  • Watch “Lost” TV series! (I finished the series “Lost” on Sunday, January 5, 2025!)
  • Watch “Get Back” Beatles videos (Completed: Wednesday, October 16th, 2024)!
  • Watch “Planet of the Apes” movie series! (I completed the whole “Planet of the Apes” series, from 1968-2024 on Monday, September 30th, 2024!)

Additional Reading List:

Daily Notes

I was up into the “wee hours” this morning trying to determine the best way to get the “Green Halo” out of Evie’s hair. In the end, this process seemed to work the best:

  1. Use a prompt in GetImg.ai to get a transparent background for the image. For example: “The background of this image is transparent (no background) so that it can be imported into another scene”.
  2. Create the image you want in GetImg.ai
  3. Use the GetImg.ai “Background Removal Tool” to further get rid of the background.
  4. Use “Open & Place” in Photo Pea to insert this image over the background image of your choice.
2025-01-31 - $0.79 Biscuit

So I went to the coffee shop on the second floor of Quality Foods Courtenay this afternoon with my coffee from home and Amazon Fire Kindle device… Today I discovered that they have these delightful and “quite big actually” raisin biscuits for only $0.79 … They will toast them if you ask them to! They also have free peanut butter, honey, and jam. If you get there at the right time they also have a couple of huge and comfortable leather chairs (see photo to the right) along with other seating options… I got to sit in this lovely environment, read my kindle, enjoy my free home brewed coffee and have a biscuit for only $0.79 … closest thing that I have been able emulate the Panera experience here in Courtenay! 🙂

Maggie has recommended “The Unthinkable” about how people respond to disasters.

Abraham Hicks says “Let the Source Choose Your Path“! Your Vortex is always calling you and if you can’t hear it the reason is that you are tuned into a frequency where you can’t hear it.

I asked Copilot about “SpudFit”. Here’s what it said: “Andrew Taylor started his diet on January 1, 2016 and ended it on January 1, 2017. He lost a total of 117 pounds (about 53 kg) over the course of his year-long potato diet. In the first month alone, he lost 22 pounds (about 10 kg). To break it down further, his average daily weight loss was approximately 0.32 pounds per day (about 0.14 kg per day)“. Further more, after some additional prompts, it said: “Adding vegetables like lettuce, tomatoes, onions, garlic, peppers, and mushrooms to the Spud Fit diet can certainly be a good idea! It can provide a more balanced and varied nutritional intake, making the diet more enjoyable and sustainable in the long run. Remember to monitor your overall calorie intake to maintain a calorie deficit for weight loss“.

Author: MainAdmin

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