2025-01-25 - Comox Bookstores

Day #0516 – (Sat. Jan. 25, 2025) – Comox Bookstores!

Ah the weekend. Let’s kick this sunny and “chilly” but not cold Saturday with item #1 on my “ToDo List”: (You can use these symbols: ✅).

“Today’s ‘ToDo’ List” (0/0)


Daily Readings

Daily “FUN” Stuff

  • Clean “Barn Suite” (For 15 Minutes+ Today): (I made some cabbage soup in the Instant Pot today, does that count?)
  • Work Through The “Maggie NevilleGoddess” YouTube Channel“: (Today I listened to: Manifestation Success Stories Vol 1!)
  • Work On ‘Scripting’ for New Novel ‘N02 – Another Life (Latest)‘ by adding the “30 Day Coin Manifestation Process” into Chapter #2. Go Here: P09 – The “Scripting” Process: (This evening I checked out the bookstores in downtown Comox where Kirk and Evie might meet…)
  • Set up “Music Studio”! <>
  • Set up “Flight Simulator”! <>
  • Watch “Northern Exposure”! (I’m into Season #2, Episode #2, “The Big Kiss” now!)
  • Watch “Port Protection Alaska”! <>
  • Watch “Skeleton Crew (Star Wars)”! (I finished the entire first season, all 8 episodes today, Wednesday, January 22, 2025!)
  • Watch “Lost” TV series! (I finished the series “Lost” on Sunday, January 5, 2025!)
  • Watch “Get Back” Beatles videos (Completed: Wednesday, October 16th, 2024)!
  • Watch “Planet of the Apes” movie series! (I completed the whole “Planet of the Apes” series, from 1968-2024 on Monday, September 30th, 2024!)

Additional Reading List:

Daily Notes

2025-01-25 - Skyscraper Cafe Music

It’s a stressful time, so I thought I would listen to some coffee shop jazz while I made some Instant Pot cabbage soup this afternoon. As I looked through the offerings I found this Skyscraper Jazz… (see photo to the right). What a beautiful place for a rich person! Wouldn’t you love to live here!!!

So today was the first day of my “Cabbage Soup”+ Diet, which I guess I will call it at least for now. It revolves around a bowl of my soup for each meal. You are also allowed a slice of bread with PB2 and jam, and a serving of fruit for each meal. If you want more fruit or bread, no problem, but you have to eat them in combo. So, in order to have an extra slice of bread or fruit, you need to have a heaping bowl of the cabbage soup as well… Hopefully this will not only satisfy cravings, but help me lose weight as well…

On the “Novel Front” I’m toying with the idea of Kirk and Evie meeting at a bookstore in the Comox Valley. This evening I drove down to the downtown of Comox to check out two bookstores that I found on a search of Google Maps (see photo to the left). The first one, Castaway Books, which is incidentally a great name for a used bookstore, is just down the road from Smitty’s, where I get those great pancakes. Just down the road from that is “Blue Herron Books”, which appears to sell only new books. These two stores might do nicely, but they close around 5pm, and Cole’s in Courtenay is open late, and just down the street from the great 2nd floor coffee shop at Quality Foods… I’m going to check out Cole’s next before I make my final decision on a location for their meeting.

Oh, and I did look for a “Toonie”, and no, I didn’t find one. I listened to Maggie Murphy’s reading and commentary of Chapter #3 of “The Secret of Getting Rich” as I drove around as well.

Author: MainAdmin

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