“Diet & Exercise & Live Forever”

Day #0014 – Advances In Science! (Tuesday, February 6, 2024).

I weighed in at 336.60 lbs. today (down 8.1 lbs. overall).

Coffee with almond milk. Tortilla chips in the air-fryer with guacamole and salsa. Two bananas. Oatmeal with frozen blueberries and a banana. Potatoes with salsa and guacamole. Oatmeal & frozen blueberry cookies in the air-fryer.

Day #0013 – Resveratrol! (Monday, February 5, 2024).

I weighed in at 338.40 lbs. today (down 6.3 lbs. overall).

Coffee with almond milk and oatmeal cookies. Potatoes, lima beans, corn, and kidney beans, with salsa and guacamole. Two bananas and an apple.

Day #0012 – Intermittent Fasting! (Sunday, February 4, 2024).

I weighed in at 339.20 lbs. today (down 5.5 lbs. overall).

Coffee with almond milk. Oatmeal cookies with PB2 and “Just Fruit” jam. Potatoes, lima beans, corn, guacamole and salsa. Tortillas “air fried” with salsa and guacamole. Banana.

Day #0011 – Cinnamon & Cancer! (Saturday, February 3, 2024).

I weighed in at 337.90 lbs. today (down 6.8 lbs. overall).

Today I had coffee with almond milk and air fryer oatmeal cookies (and cinnamon on top). Potatoes, peas, beans, and salsa. Carbonated “fruit flavored” soda. Tacos with salsa and guacamole. Air fryer oatmeal cookies.

Day #0010 – RNA & DNA! (Friday, February 2, 2024).

I weighed in at 338.80 lbs. today (down 5.9 lbs. overall).

Today I had 2 Coffees with almond milk, and some oatmeal scones from the air-fryer. Baked potato, peas, beans, “Cheezy Chickpeas”. Taco chips with beans, squash, guacamole, and salsa. Oatmeal cookies with PB2 and “Just Fruit” jam.

I had 4 glasses of water today and walked for 2,719 steps.

Day #0009 – Say No to Sugar! (Thursday, February 1, 2024).

I weighed in at 337.90 lbs. today (down 6.8 lbs. overall).

Today I had 3 Coffees with almond milk (Three, yes 3, trips to the coffee shop today!) Potatoes with “Cheesy Chickpeas”. Taco chips with beans, squash, guacamole, and salsa. Oatmeal cookies with fruit.

I had 4 glasses of water today and walked for 4,021 steps.

Day #0008 – There Is No Upper Limit! (Wednesday, January 31, 2024).

I weighed in at 339.70 lbs. today (down 5.0 lbs. overall).

Here’s what I had to eat today: Black coffee this afternoon. Coffee with almond milk at Panera Bread later this afternoon, with air fryer oatmeal cookies. Baked potatoes with “Cheezy Chickpeas”. Air-fryer taco chips with guacamole, squash, salsa, mixed chili beans. Banana and grapes. Carbonated water with “natural flavoring.

I had 3 glasses of water today and walked for 2,558 steps.

Day #0007 – Oatmeal Cookies! (Tuesday, January 30, 2024).

I weighed in at 338.80 lbs. today (down 5.9 lbs. overall).

Coffee with almond milk with some of my air-fryer oatmeal cookies. Taco chips made in the air-fryer with “spicy” guacamole, salsa, and chili beans. Potatoes with “Cheezy Chickpeas” sauce. Banana and grapes.

I had 4 glasses of water and walked for 2,624 Steps.

Day #0006 – Dr. Sinclair’s Grandmother! (Monday, January 29, 2024).

I weighed in at 339.90 lbs. today (down 4.8 lbs. overall).

Here’s what I had to eat today. Coffee with almond milk. Oatmeal cookies in the air-fryer (just oatmeal and applesauce). Coffee with almond milk with some of my air-fryer oatmeal cookies. Taco chips made in the air-fryer with “spicy” guacamole, salsa, and chili beans. Potatoes with “Cheezy Chickpeas” sauce. Banana and grapes.

I also had 4 glasses of water and walked 3,521 steps today.

Day #0005 – Just Add Vanilla! (Sunday, January 28, 2024).

I weighed in at 341.70 lbs. today (the same as yesterday).

I had a black coffee with a splash of almond milk (and some vanilla) just after noon today. Just after 3 pm the NFL semi-final playoffs started, so I snacked… I had some potatoes with “Cheezy” Chickpeas (vegan actually, made with nutritional yeast). Later on in the game I had some “air fryer” tortilla chips with salsa and chili beans. I also had some freeze-dried strawberries, two bananas, two oranges, and two cans of carbonated soda with natural flavoring.

I also had 6 glasses of water today and walked 4,460 steps.

Day #0004 – Water! Water! Water! (Saturday, January 27, 2024).

I weighed in at 341.70 lbs. today.

I had a black coffee with a splash of almond milk just after noon today. Around 5:30 pm today I had some oil-free “air fryer” taco chips with salsa and bean dip + carbonated water. This evening, I had two large baked potatoes with salsa + carbonated water.

I also had 8 glasses of water today and walked 655 steps.

Day #0003 – The “Lifespan” Book (Friday, January 26, 2024).

I lost almost two pounds since yesterday! Here’s the stats:
2.80 lbs. (Weight Lost Since The Start Of The Diet).

I had a black coffee with a splash of almond milk around noon today.
I had a bottle of beets at 2:30 pm today.
This evening, I had two veggie bowls. I the ingredients were: cabbage, French style green beans, black-eyed peas, black beans, pickles, hot sauce, salsa, and “Everything but the Bagel” seasoning.
I washed this down with a “Black Cherry” carbonated beverage, with no sugar or sugar substitute (I read the label).

I walked 2,246 steps today.

Day #0002 – “Almost 2 Pounds”! (Thursday, January 25, 2024).

I lost almost two pounds since yesterday!

Here are the stats: 344.70 lbs. (Starting Weight), and 342.80 lbs. (Today’s Weight), resulting in 1.90 lbs. (Weight Lost Since Yesterday). This evening, I had two bowls of chili beans and carrots over a bed of cabbage. Salsa and hot sauce for condiments on top. Delish!

Day #0001 – It Begins! (Wednesday, January 24, 2024).

Weight: 344.7 lbs.

Here’s Dr. Sinclair and a few of his thoughts:

Recap of this Video

  1. Exercise three times a week and make sure to lose your breath. This is a very big stimulator on the body.
  2. The most important eating habit for longevity is FASTING. Eat your foods within 6 hours a day!
  3. Eat a plant-based diet.
  4. Take the supplements: Resveratrol, NMN, Metformin, etc.
  5. Cut out Sugar!
  6. Cut out Bread!
  7. Cut out Meat!
  8. Cut out Dairy!
  9. Cut out Alcohol! (if you must, Pinot Noir wine).

Day #0000 – Prep Day (Tuesday, January 23, 2024).

I was thinking of implementing the “Potato Diet” (or variation of this), but I think that the “longevity” diet of Dr. Sinclair will be much better suited to me. I don’t just want to lose weight and get into shape, I want to live a long time. Today I thought about this diet and prepared for tomorrow, when I will weigh myself, take my measurements and “begin”…